Brand Story

BoiiLife® - Give. Natural Life

Boho Dress

It All Started

On an inspiring morning filled with passion, the founder of BoiiLife Aurora Summers wandered through the gardens of the countryside, captivated by the beauty of nature. The freely blooming flowers and the natural essence inspired her and ignited her determination to establish BoiiLife.

BoiiLife's mission is to convey the beauty and freedom of nature to the world, showcasing the magical charm of nature through bohemian-style handicrafts, allowing everyone to experience the natural and unique aspects of life.

Boho Apparel

Natural Life Product

BoiiLife's uniqueness lies in its meticulously handcrafted products, each one being one-of-a-kind, showcasing the inspiration of nature and the creativity of the designers. Whether it's jewelry, dresses, or floral accessories, they exude unique charm, offering consumers an unparalleled experience.

BoiiLife brand is like a free-spirited soul full of personality and natural aura, radiating captivating charm. She is the flower that blooms freely, moving confidently towards the light with courage and confidence.

Handmade Jewelry

Do What You Love

In the world of BoiiLife, everyone is a part of nature, and every moment is unique. Inspired by nature, the brand combines bohemian style with handicrafts, creating a range of exquisite and unique products that allow people to feel the beauty and freedom of nature.

Bohemia Clothing

Discover the Magic

In BoiiLife's store, consumers can not only purchase exquisite handicrafts but also experience the natural and unique atmosphere conveyed by the brand. Join the "I See the Light" party, subscribe to the newsletter, participate in special promotions, and interesting seasonal activities, and build deeper connections with the brand. Whether shopping online or offline, BoiiLife is committed to providing customers with an excellent shopping experience, making every interaction enjoyable and surprising.

BoiiLife's growth is like the story of a tree growing, with nature as the foundation, bohemian design as the trunk, customers and supporters as the branches, and exquisite handicrafts as the blossoms, radiating charming brilliance. The brand's promise is to provide high-quality handicrafts to global customers at competitive prices and with excellent customer service, allowing everyone to enjoy the beauty of natural living. BoiiLife's vision is to become a platform showcasing the diversity and creativity of handicrafts, providing a stage for global artists and craftsmen to showcase their talents and tell a story about creativity, commitment, and passion.

We love to inspire people to Give & Live Happy! Thanks for being a part of this journey with me and the Boii Life family!


Aurora Summers
Founder & CEO of Boii Life